US lawsuit alleges ‘massive’ sexual harassment at Tesla factory – Times of India

New York: A Tesla Factory An employee in California has sued the electric car maker, alleging that women are subjected to rampant sexual assault at the facility and that managers have not acted despite their complaints.
The Fremont plant in the San Francisco Bay Area has been involved in other controversies, including a lawsuit alleging racism and the fight over COVID-19 restrictions.
In the new lawsuit filed on Thursday, Jessica Barraza says she was the victim of sexist language and behavior, including repeated groping on the factory floor – all this was known to and even perpetrated by supervisors and managers.
“While Tesla publicly claims that it promotes a safe and respectful environment for its workers, the truth is that Tesla has subjected the women working at its Fremont plant to horrific circumstances of widespread sexual harassment. done,” the suit claims.
Tesla did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
For example, Barraza accused one of his accomplices of hiding behind her before placing his foot between her thighs.
“Nearly every day for three years, my female coworkers and I were objected, threatened, touched and proposed on the factory floor,” she said in a statement issued by her attorney.
Baraja, 38, said he had complained several times to supervisors and human resources representative, but no action was taken to his knowledge.
Instead, he believes he was retaliated after various reports, such as being assigned to a new position or facing disciplinary action after the episode in which the man put his leg on her. was placed in the middle.
Currently on medical leave, with a diagnosis of post-traumatic disorder, she is seeking compensation and punitive damages, as well as Tesla to implement training, monitoring and sanctions programs to prevent any sexual assault. demanding liability.
The new lawsuit comes weeks after a California jury ruled that Tesla must pay $137 million in damages to a black former employee for turning a blind eye to the racism he faced at the Fremont plant.
Last year, CEO Elon Musk A fight broke out with officials over the reopening of the factory amid coronavirus restrictions and threatened to shift its headquarters out of the state.
Musk then told investors in October that the major electric vehicle maker was moving its headquarters to Texas, where it was building a plant.
