US President Joe Biden, Japan’s Kishida vow to “push back” on China

US President Joe Biden and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida held virtual talks.


US President Joe Biden and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida agreed to “backtrack” against China and condemn North Korea’s missile tests, while Biden underscored US commitment to defend Japan in virtual talks on Friday .

In a video meeting that lasted about an hour and 20 minutes, Biden also agreed to an official visit to Japan later this year and a summit of the Quad, which will include Australia, India, Japan and the United States, There is a senior group. US official said.

Biden has prioritized the importance of US-Japanese relations since taking office exactly a year ago, after his predecessor Donald Trump questioned the benefits of the longstanding US alliance in both Asia and Europe.

Following the meeting by video link behind closed doors, Biden tweeted that “It is an honor to meet with Prime Minister Kishida to further strengthen the US-Japan alliance – a cornerstone of peace and security in the Indo-Pacific and around the world.” In,” using an alternative name for the Asia-Pacific region.

Much of the discussion was on a growing strategic challenge from China, which has shaken up territory with saber-rattling near Taiwan, which considers itself independent but claims Beijing as part of its territory – one day if necessary. will be withdrawn by force.

The US official said Biden and Kishida expressed concern over China “intimidating” their neighbors.

“The two leaders resolved to back down against the efforts of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) to change the status quo in the East China Sea and South China Sea” and “underlined the importance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait,” “The official White House read after the meeting.

Biden and Kishida expressed “concern” about Chinese “practices” in Xinjiang province – where the United States says China is committing genocide against Uighurs – and in Hong Kong.

Regarding Japan’s dispute with China over the uninhabited but strategically located Senkaku Islands, Biden “reaffirms the United States’ unwavering commitment to the defense of Japan, using the full range of its capabilities,” the readout read. said.

– North Korea, Ukraine tensions –

Another security challenge at the top of the agenda was North Korea, which has had a busy schedule of missile tests this year – in violation of UN sanctions – and suggested on Thursday that it could also resume nuclear and intercontinental missile testing. .

“Both leaders condemned the recent ballistic missile launch,” the White House said, while a Japanese readout of the meeting said they described North Korea’s activity as “a threat to the peace and stability of Japan, the region and the international community.”

Biden and Kishida said they were “working together to deter a Russian offensive,” underscoring rising tensions around Russia’s build-up of a large military force on the border with Ukraine.

“Prime Minister Kishida resolved to continue in close coordination with the United States, other allies and partners, and the international community on taking strong action in response to any attack,” the White House said.

In Japan’s readout, it said they are “committed to working together to prevent a Russian offensive against Ukraine.”

Before the virtual billet, US officials emphasized the goal of strengthening a coalition that has undermined US leadership throughout the Asia-Pacific region since World War II.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said Biden and Kishida were discussing economic ties as well as security and a “free and open Indo-Pacific” – a reference to the campaign to maintain the status quo in the Asia-Pacific region, its Despite the rapid expansion of Chinese military and commercial power, including important maritime trade routes.

Biden hosted then-Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga at the White House as his first foreign leader, and after Kishida took office, Biden was the first foreign leader to make the call.

The senior US official called the meeting “extraordinarily broad, very hot and comprehensive”, adding that it displayed the “solidarity” of the countries.

(This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)
