US says intelligence suggests Russia is fomenting unrest in Moldova

Marina Tauber, vice president of Moldova’s pro-Russia Noise party, speaks during a protest launched by members of Moldova’s pro-Russia Noise party and the Movement for the People against Moldova’s pro-Western government and low living standards. file | Photo Credit: AP

According to the White House, US intelligence officials have determined that people with ties to Russian intelligence are planning to stage protests in hopes of toppling the Moldovan government.

White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said intelligence suggests the actors, some linked to Russian intelligence, are staging protests in Moldova as the basis for an insurgency against Moldova’s new pro-Western government. Want to

Mr Kirby said intelligence suggested another group of Russian actors would provide training and help produce performances in Moldova, which was granted EU candidate status in June, the same day Ukraine, its war-torn Neighbour

The promotion of an alleged malicious campaign by Moscow in Moldova is the latest example of the Biden administration loosening sanctions during the Peace War in Ukraine and drawing on public intelligence. The administration has said it wants to uncover plans for Russian misinformation and other activities so that allies are clear about Moscow’s intentions and that Russia thinks twice before conducting an operation.

“As Moldova continues to integrate with Europe, we believe Russia is pursuing options to undermine the Moldovan government, perhaps with the ultimate goal of seeing a more Russian-friendly administration in the capital,” Mr. Kirby said.

Mr. Kirby pointed to Russia’s recent efforts, which he says are aimed at sowing misinformation about Moldova’s overall stability.

He specifically pointed to the Russian Defense Ministry’s claim last month that Ukraine was planning to invade Transnistria, the Moscow-backed separatist region of Moldova. He called that action “baseless, false” and said such claims “create unfounded alarm.”

The White House released the intelligence shortly before Mr Biden met with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

In recent weeks, there have been several anti-government protests in the capital Chisinau, organized by a group calling itself the Movement for the People and supported by members of Moldova’s pro-Russia Noise party, which has control of the country’s parliament. There are six constituencies with 101 seats. Legislature. A protest is also planned for Sunday by the group.

The leader of the Shor party, Ilan Shor, is a Moldovan oligarch currently in exile in Israel. Shor has been named on the US State Department’s sanctions list for working for Russian interests. Britain also added noise to the ban list in December.

On Thursday, Moldova’s national anti-corruption agency said authorities searched the car of a “courier” for the noisy party, and seized more than €150,000 ($160,000) in a case of alleged illegal party funding by an organized criminal group Did it

The agency said the money, which was stuffed in envelopes and bags in at least two different currencies, “was earmarked to pay for transportation and remunerate people attending protests organized by the party.” ” Three people were taken into custody.

The noisy party also organized a series of anti-government demonstrations last fall that rocked Moldova as it struggled to manage a severe energy crisis after Moscow cut its supply of natural gas. Around the same time, Moldova’s government asked the country’s Constitutional Court to declare the Noise Party illegal, while anti-corruption prosecutors alleged that the protests were partially financed with Russian money.

Meanwhile, Transnistria, which has close ties to Moscow and hosts Russian troops, claimed on Thursday that it had foiled an assassination attempt on its president allegedly organized by Ukraine’s National Security Service. Officials alleged that Ukraine’s SBU security service ordered the assassination attempt, but did not provide evidence. The SBU rejected the allegation, saying “it should be regarded exclusively as a provocation by the Kremlin.”

Sandwiched between Ukraine and Romania, Moldova has often been at the center of conflicts between Moscow and the West. Moldova, once part of the Soviet Union, declared its independence in 1991. One of Europe’s poorest countries with a population of about 2.6 million people, it has historic ties with Russia but wants to join the 27-nation European Union.

The pushback has intensified since Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the Russian invasion of Ukraine last year.

Sandu met President Joe Biden last month when the US president was visiting Poland for the one-year anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The United States has provided $265 million in emergency assistance to Moldova since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine to help deal with the economic, energy, and humanitarian crisis caused by the war. The administration has asked Congress to approve an additional $300 million for Moldova.

US intelligence officials see no immediate military threat to Moldova, but the White House is making the discovery public in hopes of intimidating Russia before moving forward with its plans, Mr Kirby said.