US, South Korea to begin extended military drills next week – Times of India

Seoul, South Korea: The United States of america And South Korea Will begin its biggest joint military training in years next week in the face of an increasingly aggressive Answer Korea, which is threatening weapons tests and nuclear conflict against Seoul and Washington, the South’s military said on Tuesday.
The Allies’ summer exercises, known as Ulchi Freedom Shield in South Korea from August 22 to September 1, will include field exercises involving aircraft, warships, tanks and potentially thousands of troops.
The exercises largely resumed training in recent years with Pyongyang to make room for diplomacy and after canceling some of its regular exercises in recent years due to COVID-19 concerns and reducing others to computer simulations. Underlines the commitment of Washington and Seoul to
The US Defense Department also said that the US, South Korean and Japanese navies participated in missile warning and ballistic missile search and tracking exercises off the coast of Hawaii from August 8 to 14, aimed at advancing trilateral cooperation. North Korea’s challenges.
While the United States and South Korea describe their exercises as defensive, Ulchi Freedom Shield will almost certainly elicit an angry response from North Korea, which describes all Allied training as assault rehearsals and uses its nuclear weapons and weapons. to justify the development of missiles.
Before they were postponed or downsized, the US and South Korea held major joint exercises in South Korea every spring and summer. Spring Vale was uncovered by live-fire drills that involved a wide range of land, air and maritime assets and usually involved approximately 10,000 American and 200,000 Korean troops.
Thousands of Allied troops took part in the summer exercises, which mainly involved computer simulations for joint decision-making and planning, although South Korea’s military has insisted this time on the revival of large-scale field training.
Officials from Seoul’s Defense Ministry and its Joint Chiefs of Staff did not comment on the number of US and South Korean troops that would take part in the Ulchi Freedom Guardian Shield.
“The biggest meaning of (Ulchi Freedom Shield) is that it normalizes South Korea-US joint exercises and field training, (contributes to the reconstruction of the South Korea-US alliance and joint defense posture),” Moon Hong-sik, Defense Ministry spokesman said during a briefing.
Some experts say that North Korea may use this exercise as an excuse to increase tension.
The North has already warned of “deadly” retaliation against South Korea over its COVID-19 outbreak, claiming it was suspiciously carried by balloons launched by Southern activists in Pyongyang propaganda leaflets and bordering Other objects were blown across. There are concerns that North Korea’s threat issued last week by leader Kim Jong Un’s powerful sister points to a provocation that could include nuclear or major missile tests or even border skirmishes.
In an interview with Associated Press television last month, Cho Jin, deputy director of a think tank run by Pyongyang’s foreign ministry, said the United States and South Korea would face “unprecedented” security challenges.
South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff spokesman Kim Jun-rak said South Korean and US forces were closely monitoring North Korean military activities and facilities.
Animosity on the Korean peninsula has escalated since the derailment of US-North Korea nuclear talks in early 2019 to exchange the release of US-led sanctions against North and North Korea’s disarmament moves.
Kim Jong Un has since announced to strengthen his nuclear deterrent in the face of “gangster-like” US pressure and halted all cooperation with the South. Taking advantage of a split in the UN Security Council over Russia’s war on Ukraine, North Korea has conducted a weapons test this year at a record speed, with more than 30 ballistic launches. They have included the country’s first demonstrations of intercontinental ballistic missile technology since 2017 and further tests of tactical systems designed to be equipped with small battlefield nooks.
Kim has punctuated his test binge with repeated warnings that the North will actively use its nuclear weapons in conflict with South Korea and the United States, which experts say is a sign of a growing nuclear doctrine. which may cause more concern to its neighbors.
South Korea and US officials say North Korea is also ready for its first nuclear test since September 2017, when it claimed to have developed a thermonuclear warhead to fit into its ICBMs.