US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy and family test positive for Covid – Times of India

WASHINGTON: As if gently reminding the world that it is still around – even as countries around the world relax COVID-era norms and protocols – the virus has struck. US surgeon general conscience Sculpture and his family.
In a series of tweets on Friday morning, Murthy revealed that his four-year-old daughter had possibly approached covid before spreading to the rest of the family.

“The fever is starting to improve. She is still congested and now hoarse from all coughs, but thankfully she is still smiling and enjoying her arts and crafts,” he wrote.
Explaining how it spread to the rest of the family, Murthy said he tried to stay safe “but it’s tough when your kids are sick. When they’re unwell you want to comfort them.” . Often there is a need to be physically close. We’ll make that choice again, but I feel for those who struggle to balance protecting themselves with family care.”
He said that his wife Alice And both of them have mild symptoms.
“She has a headache and fatigue. I’m experiencing muscle aches, chills, and a sore throat. Our breathing is fine, thankfully. It’s become chaotic at home with all of us getting sick but I can’t take it to anyone.” But Alice,” he wrote, adding that the son has a runny nose and a low-grade fever, but is eating, drinking, playing with his sister, and playing his favorite cartoons. is watching.
In a bigger picture perspective, Murthy said it can be frustrating and frustrating to get COVID-19 when you are as safe as possible. “I’ve felt it. It can also be a source of shame. Many people believe you may have been careless to get sick. Our safety measures reduce the risk but they cannot eliminate the risk.” can’t do anything,” he wrote
“So if you’ve done everything you can and got COVID-19 anyway, don’t kill yourself. Many of us are doing the best we can. And don’t assume that Those who fall ill are careless. We don’t do that. Know people’s circumstances. They may not be able to protect themselves the way we can,” he advised.
Murthy also called for vaccines, a major source of peace of mind for the family. “We and our son have been vaccinated. Vaccines are very effective at saving our lives and keeping us out of the hospital. As a parent, I can’t tell you how reassuring it is to know that we are on our own.” Will be able to take care of children even if we are infected,” he wrote.
