Use these 5 things to increase eyesight – check list

Eating a healthy, balanced diet is vital in this digital age where most people spend more than half their waking hours on laptops, desktops and smartphones to combat the myriad eye-related problems that come with such a lifestyle. Can go For a healthy set of eyes you need eating habits that can improve eye problems as well as improve vision. So, here is a quick check list of foods that can help you keep your eyes healthy.

Eggs: The vitamins and nutrients present in eggs, including lutein and vitamin A, are really healthy for eye function and improve eyesight in the long run. You can cook and eat eggs any way you want and even dare to eat them raw.

Buddha’s Hand: One of the strangest looking fruits, Buddha’s hand contributes greatly to eye health. This fruit is rich in vitamin C and it helps to protect the capillaries of the retina, so it should be included in your diet to improve eyesight.

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Carrot: Toss them in salads or chop them up and add to pancake batter; Carrots are widely believed to be good for eye health in any form. Similar to egg yolks, carrots also contain vitamin A and beta-carotene that help prevent eye infections and other serious eye conditions.

Almonds and Other Nuts: Vitamin E and omega fatty acids are important for good eye health and the best carriers of these nutrients are dried fruits like almonds. This is one meal for which you should substitute your snacks. Just remember to keep an eye on the serving size as some dried fruits are high in calories, so try to keep an eye on your intake.

fish: If you enjoy non-vegetarian foods, choose seafood instead of the usual chicken and beef as it is known to be one of the richest sources of omega-3 fatty acids that contribute greatly to visual health. People who are vegetarian can opt for fish oil supplements.

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