Useful tips and tricks to score well in IELTS – Times of India

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a set of tests to help you work, study or immigrate to a country where English is the primary language. Countries such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States are involved in this test. During the test, your ability to listen, read, write and communicate in English is assessed. The IELTS exam is on a scale of 1 to 9 and the British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia, and Cambridge English all jointly own IELTS.

Every year, around 3 million people take this test and IELTS is accepted by over 11,000 employers, universities, institutions and immigration authorities around the world.


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With 379 million speakers globally, English is the third most widely spoken language on the planet. The ability to speak the native language of the country in which you intend to work or study offers many advantages. It is also essential for employment prospects and community integration. Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking are the four sections of the IELTS exam. Each of these sections has its own set of questions and a time limit. All reading, writing and listening parts of the test must be completed on the same day. The speaking portion of the event can be arranged for an afternoon or can be scheduled within 7 days of taking the test.

Before starting to study for the exam candidates must understand how to get a good IELTS score. Mastering the fundamentals of the English language is the first step towards accomplishing this. Furthermore, the time it takes to develop an overall command of the language is determined by the intensity and initial level of the language. Each institute has its own cutoff for the minimum IELTS band score required for admission.

Tips to get a good IELTS score –

work on your listening skills

1) Be an active listener to improve your listening skills and get exposed to new words and accents. You can listen to English news, TV shows and online videos before taking the IELTS exam. Familiarizing yourself with all the test questions in the listening part, such as multiple choice, labeling, matching, and so on, will aid in the development of a fundamental understanding of the language.

2) The goal is to incorporate listening into your daily routine. You can find a lot of interesting and interesting information on the internet. Before moving on to more educational material, start with the areas that interest you the most. If you are accustomed to listening to English then you will gain the necessary confidence to handle your stress throughout the test.

3) The recording will be played only once during the entire test, and you will have time to read the instructions and questions before the recording begins. Highlighting keywords and guessing the context of the recording will help you understand the language better.

4) At the end of the paper-based test you get an additional ten minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet. Make sure your spelling and capitalization are correct. Make sure that your statement is grammatically correct and that you have used the correct word form.

work on your reading skills

1) Read newspapers, magazines, magazines and novels written in English before taking the IELTS Reading Test. When reading, underline or highlight less common words, and try to guess the meaning of a word from context. If you still don’t know what the word means, look up the dictionary.

2) Understand different types of questions on academic or general training reading tests and practice reading within a time limit. To read all three paragraphs and answer 40 questions in 60 minutes, you have to be a fast reader.

3) Skimming is a technique to get a quick summary of a text. Just focus on headings and headings for a general idea of ​​the topic. Each paragraph should be focused on a major point, which should be presented in the topic sentence. The process of scanning is used to find certain keywords or phrases. When you find a keyword, carefully examine the surrounding material to find the answer you’re looking for. The key to success is mastering these fundamental skills.

4) You don’t want to lose points because you didn’t follow the instructions carefully. Make sure that the resulting sentence is grammatically correct when answering questions that require you to fill in the missing words.

work on your writing skills

1) Make sure to organize your thoughts and ideas before writing in the written section. Create a preliminary outline of what you want to write; It will help you to express your thoughts and ideas.

2) If you intend to take the IELTS General Training module then refer the online model graph/chart/diagram details. Check them all for assignment completion, essay structure, coherence, vocabulary and sentence variety.

3) In your work, highlight keywords and avoid using work terms; Instead, use your own language and sentence pattern.

4) You have to follow a specified topic in the writing part. Use practice tests to aid in preparation because you won’t know the topic until the IELTS exam.

work on your speaking skills

1) Practice interacting with your friends and co-workers as much as you can. Before entering the test room, speak in English with other candidates. This will make it easier for you to transition to English.

2) Speak as much as you can while speaking during the exam; Give long responses and don’t worry about grammar or language. Focus on providing the best possible answers to questions.

3) During the IELTS Speaking section, avoid talking to the recording equipment. Make eye contact with the examiner and address them directly.

4) You must have positive body language; Don’t gesture too much and stay on topic. Try to use semi-formal language as the exam is in a formal setting.

Remember that the IELTS is designed to assess your ability to communicate successfully, not your general English knowledge.