Uttar Pradesh: Man with gun chases assistant post master in Kanpur. Kanpur News – Times of India

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KANPUR: A video clip shows a man holding a gun and chasing and abusing a man in Sanigawan area of ​​Kanpur, Chakeri on Saturday. The clip, recorded by a passerby, went viral on social media.
Later, the police claimed that he was identified and a case was registered against him.
Eyewitnesses said the man, identified as Ashutosh Pathak of Babhanagar, arrived in an SUV at Sanigawan post office in Chakeri on Saturday afternoon. He pointed a gun at Assistant Post Master Vishal Kumar Gupta.
Sensing trouble, when the assistant post-master ran to hide, the man chased him and abused him.
After this, the victim lodged a complaint against the accused at Chakeri police station.
Vishal Kumar Gupta, originally a resident of village Kharauni in Ballia, is working as an assistant branch postmaster in the Sanigawan post office.
He lives on rent in Sainik Vihar Colony of Sainigawan.
According to Vishal, he was working in the post office on Saturday afternoon. “Then he received a call from Bhabhanagar resident Ashutosh Pathak on his mobile. However, he did not pick up the phone due to his busy schedule,” he said.
After sometime Ashutosh came to the post office and started abusing Gupta for not picking up the phone. On protesting, the accused took out a pistol and started abusing him.
People somehow intervened and pacified the matter. After this, the accused left from there after threatening to kill him. The people present there made a video of the incident and made it viral on social media.
Chakeri police station in-charge Shailendra Singh told that the accused has a licensed gun. “Based on the complaint, we have registered a case against the accused under relevant sections of the IPC. Further investigation is on,” Singh said.

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