Uttar Pradesh: Wild animal kills 3-year-old child. Varanasi News – Times of India

In a village here, a three-year-old child died after being bitten by a wild animal. The police gave this information on Sunday.

Bhadohi: In a village here, a three-year-old child died after being bitten by a wild animal. The police gave this information on Sunday.
According to the police, the incident took place on Saturday night in the entire Matka village of Unjh police station area of ​​the district.
Circle Officer Gyanpur Bhuvneshwar Kumar Pandey told that Saroj Devi was sleeping in the hut with her son Azad. When she could not find him the next morning, she along with her neighbors started searching for the boy whose mutilated body was found about 200 meters from her hut.
He said the child’s body has been sent for post-mortem.
Neeraj Arya, a forest department official, said claw marks have been observed at some places, and it appears that the attacking animal could be a fox, a wild dog or a wolf.
“The claw marks have been washed away due to the rain,” he said. He said that the search operation is going on in the area.

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