Vadodara saw an increase in black fungus cases. Vadodara News – Times of India

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Vadodara: While the focus has shifted from treating COVID-19 as a raging third wave, the number of mucormycosis (MM) cases has also registered a rise at Staten SSG Hospital (SSGH). From just three cases earlier this month, the number of black fungus has now reached eight.
While doctors say it is a bit early to call the rise in MM a trend at present, people need to be prepared. SSGH reported four new cases within a week from January 7 to January 12. Hospital superintendent Dr Ranjankrishna Iyer, who is also an ear, nose and throat (ENT) surgeon, said the cases in SSGH may not be from Vadodara only.
“It is too early to say that the cases have started increasing. We will gather the details of the new cases and find out what happened,” he said, adding that discussions were already underway regarding MM. “We’re also asking for amphotericin,” he said.
Veteran city-based ENT surgeon DR RB Bhasniya said that with the rise in COVID cases, one needs to prepare for MM. “A rise cannot be ruled out in the coming days,” he said. Bhasnia further said that the new cases were also of the second wave. “They may have had chronic mucormycosis and are now turning to hospitals. I see fungal growth in some cases, but the fungus is dead,” he said.

