Valentine’s Day 2022: Unique Valentine’s Day gifts for the everyday – Times of India

Valentine’s Day which falls on 14th February, continuously comes before Valentine’s Week. Valentine’s Week from 7th February which is celebrated as Rose Day till the last and most important Valentine’s Day on 14th February. The seventh to fourteenth week is likewise called the love week or romance week. This year Valentines week is starting and ending on Sunday. And now, since you won’t have to take a break from work, it’s time to get ready to express your love to your loved ones in the most ideal way. you can choose from
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Beauty the product.

If you are worried about all the days of Valentines week, then worry not, as we have compiled a list of all the days of Valentines week. To make your task easier to find the perfect gift for each day, we have also listed down some gifts as per Valentine’s Week.

Date valentines week list Day
7 February 2022 rose day Monday
8 February 2022 propose day Tuesday
9 February 2022 Chocolate Day Wednesday
10 February 2022 teddy day Thursday
11 February 2022 Promise Day Friday
12 February 2022 hug Day Saturday
13 February 2022 kiss day Sunday
14 February 2022 Valentine’s Day Monday


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Rose Day marks the beginning of Valentine’s Week. So, send your crush a rose and let him know what you may have in your heart for him. So, send a red rose if you love her, a yellow rose if you mean friendship and a white rose if you want to propose marriage. In a way, it is just the beginning or preparation for the next day of the week.

See More Gifts for Rose Day

Now, as you may have planned to send roses by now, it’s time to say those three magic words. Propose your love to him with a ring, or a card. Take her to see her favorite coffee shop or movie and tell her how special she is to you. Basically, it’s time to speak your heart out and ask for it.

See more gifts for Propose Day

See How To Celebrate Valentine’s Day With Board Games

Sweets are the perfect approach to mark the beginning of a new relationship. And as the third day of Valentine’s Week is Chocolate Day, you cannot miss out on celebrating this sweet day. Gift her a box of her favorite chocolates, you can ideally put a love note for her in the box expressing how sweet the relationship is and how far you want to take things.

See More Gifts for Chocolate Day

Check out Some Unconventional Valentine’s Day Gifts

We all love soft toys. In fact, we even love to hug our favorite teddy tightly to sleep. So, it’s time to gift your crush a soft toy, something she loves, or something she’s been waiting for. A teddy bear, a soft doll, a panda, or anything you like.

See More Gifts for Teddy Day

Time to swear! Promise Day is another way to promise that you’ll be with her forever. Make him realize how lucky you are to have him in your life. Send your crush a promise day card and take a vow to be with your loved ones in his sorrows and joys.

See More Gifts for Promise Day

We often show our affection and love by hugging our loved ones tightly. So, with Hug Day on February 12, it’s time to show them some affection too. Gift this beautiful Hug Day gift to your crush and hug him tightly and let him feel safe and secure in your arms.

See More Gifts for Hug Day

An important day for kissing and makeup. Kiss your crush and seal your love bond together. Send her a Kiss Day card or a Kiss Day gift to make her feel special.

See More Gifts for Kissing Day

The last and most awaited day of Valentines Week; Valentine’s Day. Take her out on a dinner date or cook something at your house and invite her over. Celebrate the day of love with your partner and spend some wonderful and romantic time together.

See More Gifts for Valentine’s Day

Want to bake a cake for your Valentine? check out these ovens

Disclaimer: Journalists from Times of India were not involved in the making of this article.
