Vastu Shastra lists these rules for buying rolling pins and boards

They are used to flatten dough balls for making chapatis.

According to Vastu Shastra, people should buy rolling pin and board on Wednesday and Thursday.

To attract happiness, one must keep their home neat and clean and free of clutter. A well-organized home brings more peace and clarity in life and is important in Vastu Shastra. Vastu Shastra finds its relevance in every room, including the living room, pooja room and kitchen. Vastu Shastra has some specific criteria when we talk about the kitchen, especially the most important equipment, the rolling pin and the board.

They are used to flatten dough balls for making chapatis. There are certain rules that must be followed when purchasing these devices, whether made of wood or plastic. According to astrologer and Vastu consultant Pandit Hitendra Kumar Sharma, the following things should be kept in mind while buying rolling pins and boards.

Auspicious day to buy rolling pin and board

Vastu Shastra mentions the exact date of buying rolling pin and board. According to Vastu Shastra, people should buy rolling pin and board on Wednesday and Thursday. Saturday and Monday should be strictly avoided for buying rolling pins and boards.

No uneven formation in rolling pin and board

Choosing the right rolling pin for rolling out dough isn’t as easy as it sounds, there are many varieties and materials to consider. On top of that, each material will have its own advantages. With the right rolling pin, people can roll out dough in no time. Keeping these important aspects in mind, it is essential not to get confused while buying rollers and boards. Also, people should keep in mind that while rolling the dough, there should be no sound from the rolling pin, which is not correct according to Vastu Shastra.

The noise caused by rolling pins can cause problems in homes as well as cause financial loss.

Rolling pin and board should be cleaned properly

A rolling pin and board is a one-time investment and can last for a long time if taken care of properly. According to Vastu Shastra, it is necessary to clean them properly.

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