Vastu Tips for Plants: Drying of these 3 entry-plants in the house is bad, due to which it happens.

Vastu Tips for Plant:

Vastu Tips for Plants: Life is conceivable, so trees and plants are important in life. Can be fine according to Vastu. Vastu experts say that plants are called negative energy. Some incense-plants are done in such a way that the temperature improves. But in the same way it dries or withers. Plant-shaped plants will be as if potted plants are stunted or have wilting symptoms.

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this also further

Tulsi plant – There is a Tulsi plant in the house itself. Communication communication takes place on a regular basis in the house. At the same time, there is a game of happiness and prosperity in the house. Withering of basil in the house. If the Tulsi plant withers, there will be financial loss in future.

Tulsi: Rama

Shami Trees (Shami Trees) – Shami’s time in the house is over. Vapamaganata is that Shami Shami Shami kana kana se ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki Dev Dev Dev Dev Shani Shani Shani Shani Shani Shani Shani Shani Shani Shani Shani Shani Shani Shani Shani Shani Dev Dev Dev Dev Dev Dev Dev Dev Dev Dev Dev Dev Dev Dev Dev Dev Dev Dev Dev Dev Dev Dev Dev Dev Dev Dev Dev Dev Dev Dev Dev Dev Dev Dev Dev Dev Shami’s face is also dear to Shiva. The same thing happened after the incident of sleeping at night. Facing this type of transaction. It is seven o’clock in Shami.

, Vapamaunadauna that money money p p p kir d to r in kasak se kaska lakka kask lakk kastak t lakk kastak luck kastak luck kastak lk kastak to kastak kastak to kastak to kastak to kastak to kastak to k ki kastak From k to k, the state of the country’s economy remains the same. Repeated information has been received. Vaastu Shaastra. It is also in crisis in times of crisis.

As if there is no eye in this direction of the house, there is no hatred of Maa Lakshmi.

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