Vegetarian diet: Why people are adopting a plant-based diet – expert explains

When we talk about food choices, we look for some excitement associated with cultural experiences that are relevant yet add some moral logic to our decisions. From meat to milk, sustainable to plant-based, India is witnessing a tremendous change in eating practices, with a lot of people changing their choices day by day! Yes, you read it right. Considering the unprecedented tide of innovations in recent times, the food choices can be mind-boggling. What plays an essential role here is mood, as the individual goes through a series of choices that are accessible, unique and believable in nature.

Mood is an innate emotion that has the ability to make you feel your very best. While it may measure a curious purpose, it doesn’t take long for it to fall into a descending spiral on the survival mechanism. Mood is directly related to food as nutrient requirements continue to evolve based on a constantly changing lifestyle.

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Vegetarianism is becoming the life choice for many people.

As the world moves into the vaccination phase across continents, people today are ready to experience events that are healthy and at the same time contribute to the environment. This is where diet plays an essential role in balancing the catharsis of a healthy gut. With the number of diverse options available in our country, one can easily walk in the variations of a diet that can complete a successful ‘mood diet’.

Today, we have access to a wide variety of foods that contain more fiber than standard foods that have optional satieties. It’s safe to say that cravings can go well with substitute food options that enhance emotions and mental well-being. And what makes it better when it has greenery in its nature? This is where veganism takes the lead, encouraging us to explore and adapt.

Veganism as a concept emerges from being environmentally conscious and animal friendly. It is an ethical choice to preserve the environment at its best. The ‘Mood Diets 2.0’ menu has been designed to meet the nutritional needs of guests with a vegetarian touch crafted from natural, plant-based ingredients. This menu is being designed to ensure a more reliable and responsible OD towards the environment.

(Also read: Want to become a vegetarian like Virat Kohli? 5 things to know before making the switch,


Vegetarianism is also good for the environment

Consumers are constantly looking for alternatives to eat. any type of emotional eating; Positive or negative has always been associated with an unhealthy diet. This is where the mindset change comes in handy. The concept of the Mood Diet combines daily nutrient requirements with unconscious food cravings that result from changing temperaments.

Mood Diets 2.0 is a way of living a sustainable life through a vegetarian menu that will bring to the fore dishes made from local and readily available ingredients, which are important to the states they come from. The foundation behind using local ingredients is to whet the local appetite in a way that is delicious, fresh and dynamic. Each of the ingredients selected for the menu will be transformed into a recipe with unique flavors, much of which will be unchanged, allowing guests to go over the menu and go back to the menu again to understand more about sustainability and giving back to the environment. .

(Also read: Indian Cooking Tips: 4 Desi Vegetarian Recipes That Will Touch Your Heart,

Best vegetarian and vegan sources of protein

There are many vegetarian dishes in the Indian diet.

It is safe to say that the world clearly emphasizes the importance of protecting our ecosystem for generations to come. This makes us realize that sustainability will be at its peak in 2022. The trend will lean towards plant-based and zero wastage interactions, which is set to drive tornado change around the world. With everything opening up to diverse cultural experiences, it is best to say that we embark on our culinary journey responsibly, one day at a time again.

Author Life: Himanshu Taneja is Culinary Director for South Asia at Marriott International

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