Vice Presidential Election: Trinamool Congress will abstain from voting. India News – Times of India

NEW DELHI: The Trinamool Congress will abstain from voting in the vice-presidential election, party leader Abhishek Banerjee announced on Thursday.
The Trinamool’s decision has dealt a blow to the opposition, which had declared Congress veteran Margaret Alva as its candidate for the vice-presidential election. TMC has objected to the way Alva was chosen.
Trinamool Congress national general secretary Abhishek Banerjee said, “We disagree with the process of announcing the opposition candidate without keeping the TMC in the loop. We were neither consulted nor discussed with us. That’s why we support the opposition candidate.” can not do.”
Meanwhile, former West Bengal Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar is headed by BJP NDASelection for Vice President. Dhankhar has been at loggerheads with the state government since taking over as governor.
“There is no question of supporting NDA candidate, especially Jagdeep Dhankhar. But after today’s meeting with party MPs, it has been decided that we will stay away from the Vice Presidential election,” Abhishek said.
In these last three years, Dhankhar, describing himself as a constitutional law-abiding, chose the Banerjee government to run a state where “democracy was breathing its last”.
The governor had repeatedly cautioned against the “political bureaucracy” in the state, which had established a “rule of law and no rule of law”. The Trinamool, on the other hand, had called the Raj Bhavan an “extension of the BJP party office” and the governor a “BJP patron”.

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