VIDEO: Attacked the police with sticks, broke the car, burnt alive

The police is investigating the matter.


A video of the attack on the police has surfaced from Sitamarhi in Bihar. Where suddenly the police was attacked and the policemen were forced to spot. This incident is being reported from Bittha village under Pupri police station area of ​​Sitarmarhi. In the video of the incident which has surfaced, it can be clearly seen that what kind of heinous attack people have made on the police. In the video, the villagers are seen attacking the police and police personnel. The police and the police are being thrashed.

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what is the whole matter

Sahni’s son Mukesh Sahni was killed three days ago in a suspicious situation in Bhittha village. Which the people of the village are calling murder. The people of the angry village laughed loudly and demonstrated. Road jammed due to the protest. On receiving information about the jam, Pupri police station reached the places and efforts were made to convince the people. But during this he attacked the police itself. Not only this, they also started warning the important ones. In such a situation, the police had to run away from there.

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