Video: Bottle thrown at singer Kailash Kher during Karnataka show

Undeterred by the bottle throwing, Kailash Kher continued with his performance.


Singer Kailash Kher was on Sunday heckled at a concert in Karnataka’s Hampi for allegedly not singing any Kannada songs. Police said a bottle was hurled at the singer by a crowd angry with him for singing only Hindi songs during the closing ceremony of the Hampi festival.

Police said two locals Pradeep (22) and Sura (21) have been arrested in this connection and their statements have been recorded.

Mr Kher can be seen performing as the bottle flies towards him but misses by a whisker, and falls on the stage behind him. Without being distracted by this, the singer continues with his performance. Seconds later, an official was seen removing a half-filled water bottle from the stage.

The three-day Hampi festival, which began last Friday, is an annual festival organized by the Government of Karnataka to celebrate the legacy of the erstwhile Vijayanagara Empire.