Video: Girl injured in UP shocker sought help, people engaged in filming her

Kannauj: The girl had to wait for help till the police arrived.


In a disturbing video from Kannauj, Uttar Pradesh, a young girl, badly injured, pleads for help, but a group of men stand beside her and film her on a mobile phone. Hours after he went missing from his home on Sunday, the 13-year-old was found with multiple head injuries near a government guest house.

The teenager holds out his bloodied arms, apparently reaching out to help, but the men are busy filming her from different angles in the 25-second video.

A voice is heard asking whether the police were informed. The other asks for the police chief’s number. But the filming continues without an effort to help the girl.

The girl had to wait till the police arrived.

In another video, which also went viral, a policeman was shown running towards the autorickshaw with the injured girl in his arms.

Superintendent of Police Kunwar Anupam Singh said in a statement, “The minor was found in an injured condition and was taken to the hospital for treatment by the local police.”

News agency PTI quoted the top official as saying that she had gone out on Sunday to buy a piggy bank, but did not return home. He said the guest house guard first saw him moaning in pain and informed the police.

A youth was apparently accompanying him and they were seen in the security camera footage at the guest house, Mr Singh said, adding that his identity is being ascertained.

The official said rape could not be confirmed as the medical report was yet to come.

Later the girl was referred to Kanpur for treatment.

Police said a case has been registered based on the complaint of the girl’s family. No one has been arrested yet.