Video: Ground Splits Down to Reveal Open Lava-Like Rock Burning

A lava-like substance was seen in a field in Scotland.

A farm is on fire in Scotland, with lava-like material flowing beneath it, and residents have been urged to stay away and not venture anywhere near it. A concerned local resident, Tom Patton, shared on Facebook a description of the blazing earth in Patna, East Ayrshire, and uploaded a video and some photos showing the molten rock. Calling it a “burning ground”, Mr Patton said officials need to do something soon before a fatality occurs.

We can catch glimpses of red-hot cavities in the ground. The site is located in a former caravan park in Ayrshire, Scotland. Smoke and red blazes suggest the presence of molten rock, burning beneath the ground. Burnt black rocks and sparse grassy vegetation surround the area. Smoke is rising in the ground despite the temperature dropping to below zero level in this area.

report in Sun Indicates that “the site has not been shut down”. The report further stated that “the incident is reportedly due to a fire in an unused coal mine which has been burning for years”.

In his post, Mr Patton further said it was “hard to believe” that the Scottish Coal Board had surrounded the “dangerous zone” with just “two pieces of wire”. He adds, “The user said, “I don’t understand how it has been like this for at least three years and not much effort has been made yet. Maybe a bit of media attention is needed before an accident happens.”

Here is the Facebook post:

Other locals have also started showing their concern about the situation.

Commenting on Mr Patton’s post, a user wrote, “Surely the ground will eventually collapse into a pile of ash. If it hasn’t burned yet, it will never burn. This is bad!! Didn’t know it was still going on.”

Another user questioned the authorities and demanded an immediate response to the problem. “Only a while ago has a vin hurt, or worse. I have brought this to the attention of our councilor on more than one occasion, but nothing was done,” wrote the user.

Mr Patan also told Ayrshire Live That no matter how cold, thanks to the fire, the ice “melts instantly”. He said the smell was “potent”, and that the situation “gets worse in the summer months”.

The Sun report said the council chief was aware of the problem. The report quoted a spokesman for the local authority as saying that East Ayrshire Council is “aware that appropriate security measures, including fencing around the affected area, were put in place, but this has unfortunately been pulled down by unidentified parties”. , which is clearly not helpful.”

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