Video: Lioness feeds newborn lion cub in the middle of traffic

This rare sight created a stumbling block.

It is quite rare for a lioness to cross the road with her cub in her mouth. However, several hikers in South Africa’s Kruger National Park were extremely fortunate to see it and capture it on camera.

The video of this unique encounter is becoming very viral on the Internet. In the video, the mother lioness can be seen leading her cubs across the road and creating a significant traffic jam while she is looking for a new den.

Watch the video here:

The video was shot by nature lover Safraj Suleman and shared with

“Every Kruger lover has that one road that is their favorite; sometimes it’s because of a particular viewpoint they have, and sometimes it’s because of the scenery that the road offers. For me, S65 Doispane Road is one of my all-time favorites in the park. The sight of lions, leopards and wild dogs makes me come back to it.”

“On this particular day I decided to go in search of the resident pride of lions who center their territory around the S65 dirt road. About halfway down the road, I came across a roadblock of safari vehicles, apparently some Was looking.”

“As I approached the roadblock, a lioness came out on the right, and she was not alone. She had the tiniest, cutest cub I had ever seen in my life. The little cub was a few days old and was clearly herself Too small to protect. The lioness held her cub tightly in her jaws.”

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