Video: Men tease, approach herd of elephants inside forest, angers the internet

Mr Nanda posted the video with a stern warning.

In a horrifying incident, four men narrowly escaped a dangerous scenario after attempting to get close to a herd of wild elephants. In the video shared by Indian Forest Service officer Sushant Nanda, a group of tourists can be seen approaching a herd of elephants inside the forest.

The video shows an elephant crossing the road with some calves. Tourists can be heard making strange sounds from their mouths. The noise startled the elephants and the elephants increased their pace, in fact, one of them even tried to move towards the group. Realizing that they were in mortal danger, people also tried to flee the scene.

Mr Nanda posted the video with a stern warning. He wrote, “Mob behavior is ridiculous. Herd of elephants with small calf can be highly aggressive. Don’t put your life at stake. Allow them safe passage. First right is theirs.”

Watch video here:

Since being posted, the video has been viewed nearly 40,000 times on Twitter with netizens demanding strict action against the group of tourists.

One user commented, “They should be arrested and prosecuted for such behavior…One question is when they see families around, do they do the same.”

Another user commented on Twitter, “Sir please take some action to put these people behind bars.”

A third user wrote, “They are very sensitive to subsonic, sonic and ultrasonic sounds. Such noise can be extremely distressing to them, especially young ones.”

“Strict action needs to be taken against these irresponsible people,” commented a fourth user.

A fifth wrote, “Absolutely ridiculous. Strict action against those miscreants can change the situation.”

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