Video: Mother’s reaction after daughter’s pregnancy announcement was heart-wrenching

The to-be grandmother jumps with joy to learn that her daughter is pregnant.

Welcoming a baby into the world is great news for new parents. A new baby is such a special, wonderful and joyous creature. According to recent trends, celebrities and couples have chosen several ways to inform the news of a new addition in their family on the internet or family. Some gave a surprise party and some posted a creative picture on their social media platform.

One such pregnancy announcement was recently shared on Reddit. In a short 33-second clip, two women can be seen standing in the kitchen. In the video, the elderly woman is seen opening one box, while the other – who was later revealed to be her daughter – stands near the slab. Upon opening the box, he saw a child’s clothes and gave a surprised reaction. As the daughter smiles and nods in confirmation of her pregnancy, the would-be grandmother jumps with excitement. She is overjoyed by this news and hugs her pregnant daughter. Later, the dog also joins them and the would-be-excited grandmother also shares the news with the cute animal.

Watch the video here:

The video was shared by Reddit user Annie yesterday. The caption of the video read, “Telling my mother (who is desperate for a grand baby) that I am pregnant.” The video has got 95 percent upvotes so far.

Several users congratulated the mom-to-be and commented on the video. Sharing a similar experience, a user writes, “I saw my brother-in-law and sister-in-law surprise both sets of grandparents with a sonogram picture last Christmas. Truly the best moment of my entire life . Nephew is 4 months old. Coming to see now and tomorrow :)”

Read also: A 23-year-old American woman finds out she is pregnant. she gives birth after 2 days

Another added, “Congratulations! And look how happy she is!” “Somehow tears started coming to my eyes. I don’t know why, because I’ve seen videos like this (where a woman tells someone she’s pregnant) here on reddit, but this is the first time I’ve come across any of these.” Almost crying seeing this one,” commented another user. Another user said, “Congratulations! Your family is awesome and it’s going to grow, I hope you get the best in life because you, your partner and family deserve it.”

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