Video of black leopard in bright light at night took over the internet

It is not known where the video was shot.

A video of a black leopard hunting a deer in the forest has surfaced on the internet. The clip was shared by Indian Forest Service (IFS) officer Sushant Nanda on Twitter with the caption, “A perfect capture. By both the leopard and the videographer.”

In the clip, the black leopard was seen on the neck of the deer carcass with its jaws closed. However, a few seconds later, shocked by the bright lights and sounds made by the photographers, the big cat was seen leaving its prey on the ground and running away. In the caption, Mr Nanda said the video was a “perfect capture”, however, he also questioned the right to film the animals at night, that too in full headlines.

“But who gave the right to capture these rare moments of nature in the full glare of the spotlight?” IFS official added to the post.

Check out the video below:

Mr Nanda shared the video on Saturday, and has since garnered over 31,000 views and over 1,200 likes. In the comments section, internet users also highlighted the same problem, with one even calling the video “disturbing”.

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One user wrote, “Let the wild not under the camera but in the wild. Stop allowing any photographers at night.” Another said, “It is disturbing as the leopard can abandon its prey and starve for fear of light. Let the wild be in the wild, not under the camera. No photographers allowed at night.” Do it.”

A third remarked, “We are grossly interfering with nature,” while a fourth said, “Very rightly said..we are so selfish that we record any activity as if we have every right to do so.” Is”.

It is not known where the video was shot.

Meanwhile, speaking of leopards, earlier this week, a family in Maharashtra’s Satara was shocked after getting one leopard inside their house, The animal had entered Koyanagar’s house while the family was away for Durga idol immersion.

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When the family reached home, the leopard was sitting at the door of a room. The family ran away and locked the leopard inside. Forest department teams were informed and later the animal was captured.

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