Video of man offering water to snake netizens shocked but impressed

A video of a man giving water to a snake has gone viral on Twitter. While snakes are known to be deadly creatures, and many of us are afraid of them, this person showed no evidence of fear and went to the snake’s aid. His generosity is now capturing the hearts of the netizens.

The clip was shared by Indian Forest Service officer Sushant Nanda on Twitter. With this he added the caption, “Summer is coming. Your little drops can save someone’s life. Leave some water in a container in your garden, because it can mean a choice between life and death for many animals.” could.”

In the viral video, Nanda is seen pouring water from a bottle on her palms and helping the reptile. A thirsty snake is silently seen swallowing water.

While the video gave many shudders, many praised the man for his bravery and generous act. One user said that he has seen a snake drinking water for the first time.

Since being shared, the video has garnered 14,000 views. It has got more than 1600 likes.

This is not the first time that Nanda has shown such an act of humanity. For the first time in 2018, the video of Nanda giving water to the cobra surfaced. In 2021 again the same old video went viral on Twitter.

Sharing the clip on Twitter, IFS Sushant Nanda wrote, “Love and water… the two best elements of life.”

Even before this, IFS officers have posted about animal cruelty. In this video, a man is seen beating a cow with a stick. In response, the cow kicks the man in the chest.

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