Video of Pandas Walking to Get You Ready for the Weekend

A group of pandas are climbing trees, sliding, falling and moving around.

There is nothing better than watching wild animals playing and enjoying in their natural habitat. One such video shows a group of pandas walking around, and is becoming popular on the internet.

“Pandas.. they can’t survive in the wild, or can they?” The video posted by Buitengebieden on Twitter says

In the video, the panda can be seen climbing trees, sliding, falling and rolling over and over again. Their agile and chubby bodies and short limbs allow these pandas to roll over the ground with ease. However, pandas are also known to be expert climbers on trees.

People enjoy watching pandas continue with their day to day activities because of their versatility. The video has garnered over 42,000 likes and 674,000 views and is sure to put a smile on your face too.

One user commented on Twitter, “I can’t stop watching the loop.” Another said, “I feel like I’m watching myself.”

A third user commented, “Fun is more important than survival.”

Called panda bears, these bear-like mammals are found in bamboo forests in the mountains of central China. Their attractive coat of black and white, combined with a heavy body and round face, gives the panda a captivating look that has made it beloved by people around the world.

According to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, fewer than 1,900 pandas are believed to live in the wild.

According to Encyclopdia Britannica, females are as small as pandas, larger males can reach a height of 1.8 m (6 ft) and weigh over 100 kg.

Up to 90-98 percent of the panda’s diet consists of bamboo leaves, shoots and stems.

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