Video of tiger hugging tourist bus during jungle safari goes viral

The time and location of the video is not known.

Tigers are rare, elusive animals, which is why the thrill of spotting a tiger during a jungle safari is unmatched. But imagine that same animal coming very close to you or following you in the middle of your safari. One such incident captured in the video has now come to the fore, in which a herd of tigers is seen behind a tourist bus during a safari.

The clip, shared on Twitter by user @Bellaasays2, shows a tourist vehicle passing through the tiger enclosure. A few seconds later, one of the big cats can be seen moving towards the bus. After this the wild cat clings to the vehicle and starts running with it.

Watch the video below:

Surprisingly, none of the passengers in the cage bus seemed scared.

The Twitter user shared the video two days ago and it has since collected over 81,000 views and over 2,500 likes. People on the micro-blogging site reacted with mixed views on the development.

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One user wrote, “Adventure – not for the weak.” Another person commented, “That’s how zoos should be. The humans are inside the cages and not the other way around.”

A third user said, “Well if they had already had their daily meal it would have been thrilling to watch. But if they hadn’t already… it would have been ‘too scary’.” A fourth added, “God…they think it’s Meals on Wheels”.

The time and location of the video is not known.

Meanwhile, in another similar incident, earlier this year, a group of tourists on a four-wheeler ride on a safari had a harrowing experience when an angry tiger attacked them. Because they were watching and capturing pictures of the wild cat. The incident took place near Jim Corbett National Park in Uttarakhand. Indian Forest Service (IFS) officer Sushant Nanda posted the video of the horrific encounter on Twitter.

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