Video: Roads collapse after a massive earthquake in Papua New Guinea

PNG is located on the Pacific “Ring of Fire”, making it prone to frequent earthquakes.

At least five people died and several houses were extensively damaged Papua New Guinea earthquake (PNG) on Sunday. The 7.6 magnitude earthquake struck near Kayantu town at a depth of 90 km.

Though the extent of the damage is not clear, a video shared on social media shows broken roads, damaged cars and debris scattered on highways.

Check out the video below:

According to ANIThe earthquake also triggered landslides. Power outages were also reported in parts of PNG, with tremors felt widely across the county, from towns near the epicenter to the capital of Port Moresby.

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The US Geological Survey issued a tsunami warning but later said the threat “has passed”.

PNG’s prime minister, James Marape, said the quake was “heavy” and asked people to remain alert. He said national and provincial disaster agencies as well as leaders were asked to assess the scale of damage and injuries caused to the people.

Separately, the United Nations reported that people were injured by falling structures or debris, and damage to some health centres, homes, rural roads and highways.

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Papua New Guinea is vulnerable to earthquakes because it is located along the “Ring of Fire” in the Pacific Ocean. In 2018, a similar-sized earthquake hit the country’s remote highlands, killing more than 60 people, destroying homes, causing landslides and damaging a large gas plant. According to ANIAbout 22 7.5 magnitude earthquakes have been recorded in New Guinea since 1900.