Video: Russian missile hits government building in key Ukrainian city

Russia is targeting residential and administrative buildings in major cities of Ukraine. Reuters

Faced with crippling sanctions and boycotts in every region since its invasion of Ukraine, Russia has now begun targeting residential and administrative buildings in major cities such as Kyiv and Kharkiv.

A video shared on Twitter by Ukraine’s foreign ministry showed an administrative building in Kharkiv – Ukraine’s second major city after Kyiv – engulfed in flames after being hit by a Russian missile.

Accusing Russia of targeting civilians in violation of international law, the Ukrainian ministry tweeted, “Russia is waging war in violation of international humanitarian law. Kills civilians, destroys civilian infrastructure. Russia’s The main targets are big cities which are now fired by their missiles.”

Ukraine’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmitro Kuleba also tweeted visuals of the missile attack. “Barbaric Russian missile strikes on the residential districts of central Independence Square and Kharkiv. Putin is unable to break up Ukraine. He commits more war crimes than anger, killing innocent civilians. The world can and should do more. Pressure.” Increase, isolate Russia completely!,” he tweeted.

At a UN special session on the Ukraine attack yesterday, Kyiv said 352 civilians, including 14 children, had been killed.

The United Nations human rights body has said that nearly half a million people have been forced to flee the country since Russia’s attack.

Latest satellite images show a 64km-long convoy of Russian troops stationed outside Kyiv. The US has warned that the Russian offensive has been slowed, but not stopped.

Pentagon spokesman Kirby said fuel shortages, other logistical issues and unexpectedly stiff resistance from Ukraine’s military had slowed Russian progress.

Still, he said, the Russians have a formidable force determined to seize major cities and oust the Ukrainian government.

“Make no mistake, Mr. Putin still has significant war power at his disposal. He hasn’t transferred it to Ukraine,” Kirby said.

“They’ve had setbacks, but I don’t think we can assume they’re going to be set back.”

The first round of talks between Moscow and Kyiv in Belarus did not yield any success, but a Ukrainian representative said the possibility of further talks was discussed.
