Video shows cop kneeling on Wisconsin student’s neck – Henry Club

Kenosha, Wisconsin: School officials in Kenosha, Wisconsin, release surveillance footage showing an off-duty police officer putting his knee on a 12-year-old girl’s neck to stop her in the middle of a fight at lunchtime Shown.
Kenosha Unified School District released revised footage of the March 4 battle on Friday. It shows Kenosha Officer Shawn Getscho intervenes in the fight and then scuffles with the girl, before falling to the ground and hitting her head on a table.
Getscho, working as a security guard at the school, then pushed the girl’s head into the ground and used his knee on her neck for about half a minute and handcuffed her out of the cafeteria.
The girl’s father, Jarrell Perez, has called for criminal charges against Guettshaw for using a type of restraint restricted to Wisconsin law enforcement officers last year. He said his daughter is undergoing treatment and is seeing a neurologist for her injuries.

The school district initially placed Getschow on paid leave. He resigned from his part-time security job at the school on Tuesday, reports the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.
In his resignation letter, Getschow complained that the school district did not support him and that the incident placed a heavy burden on his family.
The district told the newspaper it would not provide any additional details and did not respond to messages left by the Associated Press on Saturday. Kenosha Police said in a statement that Getscho is still employed by the department.
“We continue our investigation, paying careful attention to the full scope of the incident,” the statement said. “We don’t have any further updates at this time.”

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