Vinayaka Chaturthi June 2022: What you should do to please Lord Ganesha

Vinayaka Chaturthi is a monthly festival that honors Lord Ganesha. There are two Chaturthi Tithis in each lunar month. Vinayaka Chaturthi is that Chaturthi which comes after Amavasya or Amavasya in the Shukla Paksha of any month. Devotees observe a fast on this day, which occurs during the waning and setting of the moon. This month this festival is falling on 3rd June.

The festival is also known as Ganesh Chaturthi or Sankashti Chaturthi. In the Bhadrapada month of the Hindu calendar, devotees observe a fast for the entire day. Vinayaka Chaturthi is also called Varada Vinayaka Chaturthi, which translates as “praying to God for the fulfillment of any wish”.

Recently, astrologer Dr Ganesh Mishra told News18 that some of the ways to celebrate this festival to remove all the obstacles that come your way:

Apply red vermilion tilak on the forehead of Lord Ganesha on the auspicious day of Vinayaka Chaturthi. This will bring happiness and prosperity in your life.

Offer garlands of marigold flowers to Lord Ganesha on Vinayaka Chaturthi. After the worship is over, keep the garland at the main door of the house. This will postpone negative omen and encourage happiness and peace.

On the day of Vinayaka Chaturthi, offer green colored clothes to Ganesh ji so that marital problems can be resolved. Apart from this, by offering five cloves and cardamom, love will become stronger by removing the difficulties of love life.

On Vinayaka Chaturthi, offer 5 or 21 bales of Durva to Ganesh ji with the mantra Idam Darvadam Om Ganganapataye Namah to increase happiness, prosperity, wealth etc. in the house.

Since Modak is very dear to Lord Ganesha, you should serve Modak to Ganapati Bappa during Vinayaka Chaturthi Puja. By his grace you will be successful in your work.

If you are stuck on a project or starting a new work, then worship Ganesha with the following mantra on Vinayaka Chaturthi. Your efforts will be rewarded. Obstacles will be removed.

Vakratunda Mahakaya, Suryakoti Samprabha:.
God in Nirvighnam Kuru, Sarveshu always.

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