Vinesh Phogat said, I have almost decided to quit wrestling after Tokyo Olympics. Commonwealth Games News

Vinesh Phogat on Saturday said she had quit wrestling after winning a medal for the second time at the Olympics in Tokyo before being rejuvenated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vigorous talks to continue her. A knee injury in the quarterfinals dashed her hopes at the 2016 Rio Olympics, while Vinesh again dropped in the final eight stage in Tokyo despite entering her weight category as world No. Vinesh admitted that two disappointments pushed her to the brink of quitting wrestling before she reinvented herself with a gold medal at the recently concluded Commonwealth Games in Birmingham.

“Sure, you can say that (Vinesh 2.0 Reloaded). I managed to overcome a huge mental hurdle. I almost gave up wrestling because in two Olympics I could not win a medal. Olympics is the biggest for an athlete. The stage is there. But my family always supported me, they always believed in my abilities,” the star wrestler told PTI.

“When I was low, I met Modi ji (Narendra Modi) and he inspired me. He said ‘we have faith in you and you can do it’. It rekindled the spark in me.” Vinesh said the support she received from her family and fans also inspired her to move forward.

“Since childhood I love sports. I always play from my heart, I am not under any pressure… I feel happy when I win. I always have the passion to win. My family always supports me for who I am.” is doing,” she said.

“Everyone is behind you after you win, but when you get support after you lose it means a lot, and I got that from my family, fans and well-wishers after Tokyo.” He said that for any athlete there is nothing greater than getting rewarded for hard work.

“The most important thing for an athlete is to repeat on the mat what you did in training. I couldn’t do that in Tokyo and I’m still very sad about it.

“But the hard work I have done over the past year, the way I have managed myself, I wanted to prove myself… the support I got from all sides was also in the back of my mind, I don’t You can disappoint yourself.


Vinesh said, “Some people I never met, never knew, supported me, supported me, I thought I had to rise for them all over again.”

“They are the ones who are supporting my wrestling career and I have to give them my all.”

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