Viral ‘Maggie Milkshake’ has touched a raw nerve among internet eaters

Since coronavirus The pandemic has forced us to stay in our homes, people are experimenting with all kinds of food combinations that may taste good but definitely look weird. Someone on the internet has made Maggi milkshake which is making food lovers crazy. The picture shows soupy Maggi noodles dipped in creamy milk.

This tweet has been shared by a user named Mayur Sejpal. The caption read, “This was shared with me by some idiots. Maggi milkshake. Zinda pakana hai inne kar ko (whoever had this idea should be caught alive).” The tweet is being shared massively with 240 retweets and 2048 likes so far.

Netizens have expressed their displeasure and disbelief in the comment sections. A person who shared the picture commented, “Maggie milkshake. Every day, we move further away from God’s light.”

Another user replied with the photo, “Guna hai ye! (It’s a crime).” One tweeple wrote, “A damned image, we really are monsters.”

An irritated user replied with a meme, which said, “Garuda Purana Mai ish liye sajja hai (Garuda Purana has a different punishment for this crime).

This is not the first time people have experimented with Maggi. Previously, a recipe of Maggi laddus using jaggery and cashews became popular. Maggi Ice-Cream, Maggi Burger, Maggi Crab Curry, and many more recipes have been made before. If these combinations sound regular to you, there are some other quirky people who have incorporated Maggi in pani puri, gulab jamun and many other sweets.

Would you like to try this combination?

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