Viral Video: Australian chef whips up palak paneer, impresses desi food

Indian cuisine has made its mark across the world and has become a regular feature of the global palate. Be it satisfying breads or hearty curries, tantalizing street food or sinful desserts – Indian food has a lot going for it. It is no surprise when we see celebrities from all over the world trying their favorite desi food. And now, chefs and bloggers have also started making Indian dishes for their followers! Recently, popular Australian chef Andy Harden surprised the desi foodie by cooking a delicious palak paneer for his wife. The video has gone viral and has garnered a lot of appreciation from Indians on Instagram. to keep track:

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The video was shared on Instagram Reels by @andyhearnden, also known as Andy Cook. The New Zealand-born chef has cooked extensively across Australia in cities such as Melbourne and Sydney.

The Palak Paneer recipe has garnered over 16.5 million views and 1.6 million likes. in the clip, Chef asks his wife what she would like to eat for dinner. “Palak cheese,” she says. The Australian chef then goes and starts the recipe. The entire preparation is done with care and in perfect desi style. The resulting palak paneer tastes so delicious too!

it’s not alone indian recipe It’s created by Chef Andy Harden. Earlier, he also made a shahi paneer or shahi curry, and shared the video on Instagram reels, where it also went viral.

Indian foodies were thrilled to see the delicious Palak Paneer made by Australian chefs. Many people gave their views in the comment section. “She’s living DreamOne user said, while another wrote, “Just love the fact that the people of India don’t like to eat Indian food!” Some others requested the chef to make Chicken Biryani or Chicken Tikka Masala. Much love to the chef of K, can you please try idli sambar next,” requested one follower,

What did you think of Palak Paneer prepared by an Australian chef? Tell us in the comments.

About Aditi AhujaAditi loves talking and meeting like-minded people (especially those who love Veg Momos). Plus points if you find his bad jokes and sitcom references, or if you recommend a new place to eat.