Viral Video: Duck plays hide and seek

A tiger is seen sneaking up on a duck.

A duck giving a slip to a hungry tiger is grabbing the attention of people on social media platforms. The short 10-second clip has garnered over 2.5 million views.

As the video starts, a hungry tiger is seen approaching a duck swimming in dirty water. The hunter is moving very carefully towards the bird, which appears to be unaware of the impending danger.

But as soon as the tiger prepares to attack, the duck takes a dip and disappears into the water. Surprisingly, the tiger looks here and there but the bird cannot find it.

watch the video:

The camera also moves and soon captures the bird as it emerges from behind the tiger and exits the danger zone safely.

The video has been shared by Buitengebieden on Twitter, but the location has not been disclosed.

One user tweeted, “Looks like ducks are generally smarter than tigers.” “The duck was so confident it didn’t even bother to fly. Just pedaling leisurely,” said another.

However, others were outraged that the feathers of ducks are clipped by some zoos and thrown into pools for the entertainment of tigers and visitors.

These users also posted links to some YouTube videos that showed not one but three tigers giving slips to a duck at a zoo in China.

Earlier this week, another video showing a group of turtles balancing on a makeshift log in a river caught the attention of the internet.

As the log rolled back and forth, the turtles were seen slipping and falling into the water.

The video has been viewed over 5.4 million times.

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