Viral Video: Fishermen save bald eagle from death grip of an octopus

The bald eagle is seen in the tentacle of the octopus.

A hair-raising video is going viral on the internet in which a bald eagle is seen being trapped in the clutches of a large octopus. The footage is old, and was captured in 2019 by a group of fishermen in Vancouver, Canada. It shows an eagle struggling to free itself from an octopus’s trap in a water body. According to CNN, the fishermen were on their way to the house when they heard the cries of the eagle and saw it fighting against the squid. Since being re-shared on Reddit, the clip has received over 45,000 upvotes.

Guardian One report states that the octopus caught the bird of prey as it tried to attack it. The fishermen were initially apprehensive of interfering in the fight, but eventually decided to step in and slowly “peel the octopus”.

He pulled both the animals towards his boat with the help of a stick and freed the bird from the squid’s tight grip. As the video ends, the bald eagle is seen sitting at the base of a tree while the octopus is pushed to the base of the water body.

Bald eagles are a protected species in the United States under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, and the Lacey Act.

Octopuses are fascinating creatures, and always amaze people with their unique and extraordinary abilities. They not only help octopuses to fight off predators but also keep them safe in adverse conditions.

Earlier this month, a viral video on social media showed an octopus’s incredible ability to change color according to its surroundings.

The 23-second video shows the cephalopod moving around the ocean floor and changing its skin color according to the surrounding creatures.

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