virtue of waiting

Impatience kills talent. Music, painting, creative work… all require abundant patience for perfection

Impatience kills talent. Music, painting, creative work… all require abundant patience for perfection

Losing patience is losing the war…

– Mahatma Gandhi

A plant doesn’t produce fruit prematurely just because you over-water it

– Sant Kabir

Everything in this world comes with pregnancy. Patience should be the most important quality to achieve things.

Patience is a true virtue and a great gift, but sadly not many have this great asset. Many road accidents can be avoided by having a little patience while driving and riding.

Consider this typical scene in an ATM. Two or three customers are waiting for their turn. There is a tendency to peep and make signs of impatience. Little do we realize that a transaction takes at least a few minutes to complete. How can we forget the days when ATMs never existed, when we used to present a check, get a token and wait in the bank for our turn. Why is there so much impatience today when better facilities are available?

The story of Eklavya is an example of a patient man. He had no guru, but he observed patiently and practiced for hours to achieve excellence. As children we were always taught the virtues of patience. We were advised to read the question paper carefully before writing the answers.

Patience can give a person the necessary cushion to concentrate and concentrate. The Story of King Bruce and the Spider is an inspiring story of how a king learns the art of patience. Robert Bruce saw himself reflected in the spider’s struggle, seeing the spider succeed after several falls.

If we look around us, we see people running around. Yes, speed and maintenance are required, yet is there that much effort required? Today, human needs and desires have gone far beyond the basics, truncated dreams are truly mind-blowing. A simple life is no longer what one wants. Impatience comes from excessive desire, break-neck competition and a false sense of being in king size. Time has become a premium: a person earns well, but he does not have time to drink a glass in peace. Sleep takes us away.

Lack of patience is the cause of all-round breakdown. We see parents who are impatient with children and vice versa. Couples get caught up with personal ambitions and pounce on each other. Teachers lack patience with slow learners. Students talk about smart work and not hard work. The urgency of everything is the malaise of this generation. Impatience can give rise to many health disorders and most importantly can create a restless mind.

Impatience can completely destroy talent. Music, painting, creative work… all require an abundance of patience, because perfection cannot be achieved with impatience.