Visakhapatnam-based artist Neha Singh’s works represent a range of emotions

Visakhapatnam-based artist Neha Singh’s works are on display in an exhibition at Dis Art Gallery

Visakhapatnam-based artist Neha Singh’s works are on display in an exhibition at Dis Art Gallery

Artist Neha Singh’s works represent different stages of emotions – from fury to the ultimate victory of the human mind over them. A fashion designer by qualification, Neha found her calling in art and decided to delve deeper into this form of self-expression. Over the past 10 years, the formative years of her practice brought her all-time favorite subjects – dragons as celestial beings, still life and landscapes for her. In recent years, his works have included topics such as: Navarasa: and the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Visakhapatnam-based artist’s works are currently on display at the DIS Art Gallery in Siripuram. In the show, Neha has showcased her works on three themes – Dragon Series, Navrasa Series and Lockdown Saga.

Work of artist Neha Singh in Visakhapatnam. , photo credit: special arrangement

Talking about her Dragon series, Neha says, “My first muse was the majestic mythological creature, the dragon, and remains my ultimate source of inspiration till date.” In three illustrations of the famous dragon, Sapphira, from Christopher Paolini’s Aragon series of books, the artist explored the physical features of the dragon’s body in profound detail. “After discovering the physical nature and mental psyche of my beloved Sapphira, I attempted to further dissect her mental rage and equate it to the human mind,” she adds. Neha experimented with acrylic pouring techniques and created a series of seven abstract compositions where the dragon became a metaphor for the anger within the human mind.

Work of artist Neha Singh in Visakhapatnam.

Work of artist Neha Singh in Visakhapatnam. , photo credit: special arrangement

in Navras series, Neha explores the world of emotions where she tries to portray the seven juices through his works. “I have used a combination of direct and indirect illustrations for each Rasa With an effort to use them symbolically to express or evoke feelings with a moral or social message,” she says. with trying to stay away from the traditional color palette associated with each Juice, The artist has used other colors in its place. Most of the artwork in this series has been created using oil paints and some in acrylics and mixed media.

Work of artist Neha Singh in Visakhapatnam.

Work of artist Neha Singh in Visakhapatnam. , photo credit: special arrangement

During the lockdown phase of the pandemic, Neha spent her time in solitude reflecting on the circumstances and worked on the series Lockdown Saga. He started with two artworks in watercolor as a tribute to the COVID warriors. “Later artifacts confirm the fact that we need to stay home not only for ourselves, but for the entire planet and only if we unite and do it together, can we win the battle. This series Through my other two works I have tried to convey that in order to flatten the curve we need to follow all the possible precautions and strategies we have laid out for ourselves,” says Neha. The final artifact of the series is his attempt to keep hope alive along with faith at the end of a seemingly endless tunnel.

Neha’s works are on display at Dis Art Gallery on 21st April from 11 am to 9 pm