Visakhapatnam Police gears up to stop cock fighting during Sankranti festival

Apart from forcing some of the main organizers, the district police has launched a massive awareness campaign.

Although cock fighting during the festival is very widespread and organized and rampant in East and West Godavari and Krishna and Guntur districts, it does take place in some areas of Visakhapatnam district and Narasipatnam, Nathavaram, Kotortala, Ravikatam. and Kasimkota.

Last year, the district police registered around 40 cases, arrested over 100 organizers and punters and seized around 50 roasters that were used for fighting and betting.

This year, the district police has already tied up several organizers, launching a campaign against the bloodshed.

Visakhapatnam district superintendent of police B Krishna Rao said, “We have already tied up around 200 organizers and key gangsters who are indulging in such events and betting.”

Apart from forcing several prominent organisers, the district police had launched an awareness campaign a few days before the festival.

The SP said that our teams are roaming in the villages and towns where this game is mainly organized and running awareness campaign on the consequences with the intention of preventing them from organizing the blood game.

According to Mr. Krishna Rao, special teams have been formed which have already started intensive patrolling and in addition women police teams have also been asked to collect information about the cockfights.

“Apart from this, we have also got information about bull race and we are investigating it,” he said.

A senior police officer said that not only in Visakhapatnam district, but also in the other two north coastal districts like Vizianagaram and Srikakulam, cockfights are organized.

a lot of money

Although the stakes are not as high in the north coastal districts, it goes up phenomenally in the districts of East and West Godavari and Krishna and Guntur. According to a conservative estimate of the police, the transaction turnover crossed the ₹1,000 crore mark during four or five days of the Sankranti festival.

Fighting chicken breeds are also on demand and can range in price from ₹15,000 to ₹50,000.

They are obtained at least a year in advance, fed a scientific diet and trained by trainers, said a rooster breeder in Visakhapatnam.
