Visakhapatnam: Relatives of patients say need to strengthen security at KGH

‘Lack of proper monitoring of security personnel in wards’

‘Lack of proper monitoring of security personnel in wards’

The recent incident of kidnapping of a four-day-old girl from the gynecology ward at King George Hospital (KGH) has shocked the patients, hospital administration as well as the police. Police Commissioner Manish Kumar Sinha has stressed on the need to strengthen security in the hospital premises.

The biggest problem faced by the patients and their parents (relatives) points towards the lack of proper supervision by the security personnel in the wards. Relatives of some patients allege that getting admission in wards is a very simple task due to apathy and increased demand for CCTV cameras.

“Unauthorized people are being allowed in the wards without proper verification. Some claim that they have brought food and some to see their relatives, who had come to enter the ward for delivery. We have seen people roaming in the corridors without any reason,” said Krishna Rao, a relative of a patient.

Some working doctors, staff and senior doctors also express displeasure over the performance of the security personnel and also complain that many CCTV cameras are faulty. The entire security arm of KGH was outsourced. Doctors say that lack of monitoring of security personnel is also one of the reasons for such incidents.

“Due to their carelessness, encroachment on the wards has become a common activity. Strict action is needed against some irresponsible security personnel. There is no strict monitoring of security as of now. Department heads should be empowered to keep an eye on their functioning,” said a senior doctor at KGH.

Following the incident, the KGH authorities have taken temporary steps to strengthen security at the hospital.

KGH superintendent P. Maithili told that about 130 security personnel are working in KGH. Keeping in view the safety of women and children in Gynecology and Pediatrics ward, there are more number of security personnel as compared to other wards. Around 10 security personnel will be deployed in the morning since OP has several cases. He said about seven or eight personnel do duty during other seasons. He said that being one of the oldest buildings, the wards have many entries and exits, where monitoring the movement of people is an uphill task.

“We have asked the security personnel not to allow unauthorized persons at any cost. We are limiting the number of visitors. They were asked to check the movement of suspicious persons,” she said.

‘Need to increase strength’

Ms. Maithili said that there is definitely a need to increase the number of security personnel and we are proposing for it. He said that the number should also be doubled in gynecology and pediatric wards.

According to the superintendent, there are around 110 CCTV cameras in the premises of King George Hospital.

“Some cameras are 10 years old, while some are five years old. I have asked the officials to check their functioning and whether all sensitive places in the hospital are under their surveillance,” she said.

KGH officials are also waiting for government intervention to start development works and if possible improvement of gynecological and pediatric wards under Nadu-Nedu scheme.