Vitamin D3 Deficiency: Why Does It Happen and What Can You Do About It?

There are many nutrients that our body cannot produce on its own, so we mainly need them from food. However, vitamin D is an exception. Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins for optimal health and its role has become more and more prominent during the pandemic. Vitamin D plays a variety of roles in our bodies; From calcium and mineral absorption to maintaining good immunity and optimal gut health, and even regulation of hormonal and mental health. Severe vitamin D3 deficiency has been linked to auto-immune issues, depression, and osteoporosis. It can also hinder youth development and mental health.

85% of us Indians lack Vitamin D3 Despite our body being able to produce it on its own when exposed to UVB rays (sunlight)! Not to mention, vitamin D3 has a huge role in our immune system and suppression of inflammatory cytokines. We get most of vitamin D3 from sunlight.

Why are Indians deficient in Vitamin D3?

Then why is this a very common deficiency in spite of this? the sunlight Is it available in such abundance in our country? There are many reasons for that:

1. Our Lifestyle: Staying indoors for the most part or intentionally not going out in the sun or not getting enough sunlight (because we don’t want to be ‘stressed’).

2. Receiving time and frequency sunlight exposure: A 25 degree angle to the sun (which will be early morning for most) is more efficient for vitamin D3 production.

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Vitamin D is needed for strong bones and teeth.

3. Not being aware of the importance of sunlight: In addition to D3, the sunlight May also help us improve our sleep (by regulating our circadian rhythms through optic nerve signaling and therefore improving melatonin production)

Also remember, the darker the skin tone (the more melanin), the more sunlight we need for optimal vitamin D3 production.

4. Using sunscreen lotion (especially high SPF) can also hinder the production of vitamin D3.

How can we improve Vitamin D3 levels?

It is advisable to get enough direct sunlight early in the morning without sunscreen. 20-30 minutes each morning is a great starting point for most.

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Vitamin D is responsible for better absorption of calcium from the consumed diet.

Vitamin D3 supplements would be a great option for people who do not get enough sunlight or are still vitamin D3 deficient despite getting enough sunlight (or vitamin D3 levels are still low despite getting enough sunlight). However, always take supplements under the guidance of a qualified nutritionist or under a doctor’s supervision.

Remember, Vitamin D3 Is a fat-soluble vitamin, so taking it with a fat source may increase its absorption!

Also, vitamin D3 can be stored in our adipose tissue, so weekly supplementation is fine too. Also, note that vitamin D toxicity is possible. (However, this is very rare)

Getting regular blood tests can help us keep track of Vitamin D3 levels.

If one is deficient in vitamin D, other minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium and even iron should be checked regularly.

For some food sources of vitamin D, Click here.

About the author: Yashvardhan Swamy is a health and fitness educator and a coach as well as a nutritionist.

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