Vivek Moozhikkulam highlights the musical genius of Swati Tirunal

Vivek Moozhikkulam accompanied by Pappu Gyandev on the violin and Kishore Ramesh on the mridangam at the Swathi Tirunal Day concert at Music Academy on July 5, 2023.
| Photo Credit: SRINATH M

Vivek Moozhikkulam, an up-and-coming vocalist, performed an engaging recital, which featured an array of compositions by Swati Tirunal. The concert took place on the Swati Tirunal Day, an endowment programme, hosted by The Music Academy.

Swati Tirunal, is known for his musical genius as well as his multi-linguistic skills. All his compositions invariably carry the unique lilt of the raga and his extraordinary penchant for poetry.

‘Suma sayaka’, his famous varnam in Kapi, which later became part of the ragamalika fold, was the opening piece. Vivek’s robust voice and open-throated articulation need special mention. He showed his musical dexterity by selecting two ragas for exhaustive treatments, — Hamsanandhi and Suddha Saveri.

He elaborated Hamsanandhi, taking care of every detail. The raga essay proved a perfect prelude to the composer’s popular ‘Pahi jagatjanani’. Vivek’s swara exercise with multiple permutations and combinations for the line ‘Saarasa kruta nilaye’ was captivating.

Vivek nect chose Suddha Saveri, and the kriti was ‘Janani pahi sada’. The alapana carried the raga’s entire range and appeal. The swarakalpana, adjunct to the charanam line ‘Shaila raja tanaye’, once again brought forth the vocalist’s fondness for overzealous treatment. The young artiste should bring about some gentleness in his approach, particularly to devotional compositions.

Pappu Gyanadev’s followed the vocalist diligently to not miss any chance to showcase his ability in handling the raga essays and swara sallies with vigour but, with a touch of sobriety. So was the percussion accompaniment by Kishore Ramesh, who played a brief (due to time constraints) but lively tani.

Vivek’s repertoire also included ‘Shrikumara nagaralaye’ in Atana, ‘Parama purusham’ in Lalitha Panchamam and the closing, ‘Alarshara paritapam’ in Surutti.