Vladimir Putin using a body double? Ukraine issues new doctrine amid health rumours – Times of India

New Delhi: Who is the President of Russia? Vladimir Putin Using body doubles to avoid public glare? Well, Ukrainians certainly believe so.
Ukraine’s military intelligence chief, Major General Putin’s “deteriorating health” amid fast-spreading rumors Kirillo Budanov According to a report in Newsweek, the Russian president is convinced that the Russian president is deploying body doubles to avoid exposing himself to the public.
In a recent interview to a Ukrainian TV channel, Budanov claimed that in his recent public appearances, Putin’s habits, appearance, gait and even height have changed slightly.

The intelligence chief cited the example that Putin’s ears looked different from those seen in his previous photographs.
“… it’s like a fingerprint, the picture of each person’s ear is unique. It can’t be replicated,” he said, without offering solid evidence to back up his claims.
Budanov claimed that putin is “gravely ill” and “it is no longer a big secret.”
Ukrainian Major General Vadim Skbitsky Similar claims were made in an interview to The Telegraph.
The general had said, “He uses a lot of doubles … and sometimes it is difficult to know whether it is the real Putin or someone is taking his place.”
Speculation about Putin’s health has intensified since Russia ordered an attack on Ukraine in February this year.
Several media outlets as well as independent observers around the world are closely watching Putin’s recent public appearances for health issues and signs of weakness.
In a recent video, Putin appeared unable to use his right hand to repel a mosquito near his face, while he used his left hand to scratch around his head.
In another interview, the Russian President was seen holding the table and bending over while answering questions.
Although Kremlin These rumours have been categorically denied, with speculation only getting stronger in recent weeks.