Want an endless supply of chocolates? This Viral Magic Trick Shows You How

If there’s one food we all crave an endless supply of, it’s chocolate. A bar of chocolate is not enough to satisfy our sweet tooth! Whether you love chocolate just as it is or as part of another dessert recipe, there’s no denying that this simple meal is truly addictive. What if we told you that you could have an extra bar of chocolate for every bar? This interesting and viral magic trick explains how to get an endless supply of chocolates. Wonder how it works? Take a look and see it for yourself:

(Also read: 5 Easy and Healthy Dark Chocolate Recipes You Must Try,

This endless chocolate clip shared by ‘condsty’ on YouTube has garnered 16 million views so far. The video is also included in the top trending videos on YouTube India. In a short 13-second clip, two incisions are made in Chocolate bar to change its size. A piece of chocolate is cut from the left and shifted to the left. This cut out makes room for the chunk to fit into the empty space, leaving behind an extra cube for you to enjoy!

This endless chocolate magic trick is nothing new and has been around for many years on YouTube as well as other platforms of the internet. The idea is to use simple geometry to your advantage and cut off an extra piece of chocolate rod, YouTuber Cubastick explained the trick behind the endless supply of chocolates on its handle in a June 2020 video. Take a look:

This isn’t the only interesting food trick we’ve seen. In the year 2021, a restaurant employee shared his hack of stealing some pizzas by cleverly cutting them. click here To read more about this.

What did you think of the clever chocolate trick? Tell us in the comments below.

About Aditi AhujaAditi loves talking and meeting like-minded people (especially those who love Veg Momos). Plus points if you find his bad jokes and sitcom references, or if you recommend a new place to eat.
