Want relief from menstrual cramps? This Salad Recipe by Pooja Makhija Can Help

Food has been known to have healing properties since ancient times. A common saying explains this by saying ‘food is medicine’. Indian kitchen in particular is a storehouse of ingredients that can be used to treat common ailments and health related problems. Certain foods in our diet can provide instant relief from fever, headache, constipation and even menstrual cramps. It is always a good practice to consult a qualified specialist or nutritionist before making any major changes in your diet. The right kind of diet, especially during menstruation, can be extremely helpful in treating the symptoms of pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS), including cramps, moodiness and bloating. Celebrity nutritionist Pooja Makhija recently took to her handle to share the recipe of a special PMS relief salad, and it has one special ingredient that you might not have known about.

Take a look at the video here:

The special ingredient recommended by celebrity nutritionist Pooja Makhija for menstrual relief was alfalfa Germinated, Sprouts are made from the alfalfa plant, which is considered part of the legume family. Makhija revealed that the seeds or dried leaves could be taken as a supplement or sprouted and eaten. “Low in calories, high in protein, alfalfa has a high content of bioactive plant compounds,” the nutritionist explained in the caption.

Alfalfa sprouts can help in relieving menstrual cramps due to the presence of Plant Compounds including saponins, coumarins, flavonoids, phytosterols, phytoestrogens, and alkaloids

“Because of these phytoestrogens – which are chemically similar to the hormone estrogen – they help reduce PMS symptoms such as water retention, chest pain, moodiness and cramps,” Pooja said.Makhija.

(Also read: What is Pre-menstrual Syndrome or PMS? Healthy Tips to Get Rid of PMS Bloating,

Women often experience cramping, pain or bloating before menstruation. Photo: iStock

Here’s Pooja Makhija’s complete recipe for Healthy Salad for Relieving Menstrual Cramps:

The process of making alfalfa sprouts is very similar to how to prepare normal lentil sprouts. First of all, soak the seeds overnight and drain the water. Then, wrap them in a muslin cloth and leave them at room temperature for another day to germinate. “Use smaller properties because they almost double after they actually germinate,” suggested makhija,

After the sprouts are ready, start preparing the salad. In a bowl, combine lettuce leaves, alfalfa sprouts, and chopped vegetables such as red and yellow bell peppers, beans, cucumber and Beetroot, Next, prepare the dressing with balsamic vinegar, apple cider, olive oil, parsley, basil, oregano, chili flakes, and honey. Mix the dressing with the vegetables and toss to mix everything together. Garnish with microgreens and enjoy fresh!

So, try this unique salad recipe by Pooja Makhija and let us know your thoughts about it in the comments section.

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