Want to know the secret behind healthy gums? Take a look at ways to achieve this

The gums are the roots of our teeth which hold them firmly together. They provide support to the teeth and even determine overall oral hygiene. However, with age and other habits, the health of the gums deteriorates and our gums bleed, swell and become very painful. This is a sign that our gums are not healthy. Let’s take a look at the symptoms, causes of gum damage and how we can prevent it using some simple tips.

symptoms of gum damage

When gums begin to deteriorate, it can lead to plaque, bleeding gums, increased sensitivity, gingivitis, and even periodontitis. There are some common signs that warn you that your gums are not healthy.

  1. inflammation
  2. tenderness
  3. redness
  4. swelling
  5. chance of bleeding
  6. sharp pain
  7. poor taste
  8. smelling breath
  9. gap between teeth and gum

due to gum damage

There are many reasons for bad gums, some related to poor oral hygiene and others related to lifestyle.

  1. aggressive brushing
  2. genetic disorder
  3. age
  4. inadequate dental care
  5. smoking
  6. Liquor
  7. bacterial infection
  8. Tobacco
  9. malnutrition

Measures to prevent gum damage

use floss

After brushing, use floss at least once a day to remove trapped food and plague that are out of reach of your toothbrush.

visit your dentist regularly

To keep your gums healthy, it is very important that you get your teeth cleaned at least twice a year. Dental cleaning helps to remove any infection before it can infect the entire part of your gum or even the plague.

Quit smoking, alcohol and tobacco

These unhealthy habits take a toll on the health of your gums and can lead to endless gum problems. Therefore, you should limit or quit smoking and alcohol.

brush at least twice a day

You must have heard millions of times that you should brush your teeth at least twice a day. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to clean your teeth after each meal and in the morning. It helps to remove bacteria and food in between the teeth. Scrub your tongue too, as it may contain bacteria.

Use fluoride based toothpaste

Fluoride prevents tooth decay and is one of the most important components that your toothpaste should have. Before buying any toothpaste, you should check the list of ingredients for fluoride.

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