Want to make restaurant style dahi kebabs? Follow these 5 genius tips

Do you get that feeling of satisfaction after eating the first bite of a juicy, succulent kebab? If yes, then you are just as crazy about kebabs as we are! While kebabs are often associated with non-vegetarian options, there are classic vegetarian kebabs that have their own dedicated fan base, one of them being the classic Dahi Kebab. These kebabs are known for their crispy The exterior and soft interior are made from a mixture of curd and flavourful spices which are fried to golden-brown perfection. However, achieving a restaurant-like crispy texture when making them at home can be challenging. have your yogurt Kebab Got wet or separated? Don’t worry! Here are some easy tips to help you make perfectly crispy Dahi Kebabs in the comfort of your kitchen.
Read also: 19 Best Vegetarian Kebab Recipes | Easy Kebab Recipe

Indian Cooking Tips: Here Are 5 Simple Tips To Make Perfect Crispy Dahi Kebabs:

1. Choose the Right Curd

The first and foremost step to ensure that your dahi kebabs turn out crispy is to use the right kind of dahi. it is better to use thick Curd As it has less moisture content, it results in crispy kebabs. Also make sure to strain the curd in a muslin cloth to remove excess water.

2. Add gram flour

While mixing all the ingredients of the kebab mixture, add 1-2 tbsp gram flour to it. Since gram flour has natural absorbent properties, it helps in absorbing excess moisture and effectively binds the mixture. You can adjust the quantity of gram flour as per the quantity of mixture required for the recipe.

3. Use Breadcrumbs

Another effective material for binding the mixture is breadcrumbs, Like gram flour, breadcrumbs also have absorbent properties that prevent the kebabs from becoming excessively moist. In addition, they contribute to a desirable crunchy texture and help maintain the structure of the kebabs during the cooking process.

4. Refrigerate the Mixture

Once you have prepared the kebab mixture, make sure to keep it in the fridge for at least 20-30 minutes before cooking. Doing so helps firm up the mixture and allows the flavors of the ingredients to meld together. Refrigerating the kebab mixture also makes it easier to shape the kebabs and prevents them from falling apart during cooking.

5. Cook on the right flame

lastly, make sure to cook the kebabs on the right flame so that they become crispy. Cooking them on low heat will not make them crispy, while cooking them on very high heat can burn them. For perfectly crispy kebabs, cook them over medium-high heat. Also, remember to remove excess oil with kitchen paper or paper towel after cooking.
Read also: How to make Dahi Anjeer Ke Kebab in just 30 minutes


Can dahi kebabs be made without deep frying?

Yes, You Can Definitely Make Kebabs Without Dahi Deep fry. You can shallow fry them on a non-stick tava with a little oil, which also makes them a healthier alternative to deep-fried kebabs. Another option is to bake them in a preheated oven until they are crisp.

What can be served with Dahi Kebab?

While dahi kebabs can be enjoyed alone as an appetizer, they taste even better when served with chutney. mint chutney, tamarind chutney, or yogurt-based dips are some of the condiments that complement dahi kebabs. You can also eat them with roti or naan as part of a meal.

Which trick works best for you to get crispy dahi kebabs? Tell us in the comments section below. meanwhile, if you are looking for a classic Dahi Kebab recipe, Click here. Happy Cooking!