Want to sleep like a baby? Use These 3 Tips

If you are someone who often wakes up in the middle of the night, you have come to the right place. While many people enjoy uninterrupted sleep at night, there are many who struggle to get a good night’s sleep. Light sleep can be due to many reasons such as increased screen time, stress, insomnia, and more. However, if you want to sleep like a baby every night, there are some techniques that can help.

go to bed early

While this sounds like a somewhat repetitive suggestion, going to bed early makes sleep a priority. Make going to bed instead of work a pleasurable experience. If you’re into aromatherapy, light a scented candle or incense to help you relax, or indulge in skin care if you’re interested. Combining these elements and sleeping early will ensure that you stay up for no more than 7-8 hours, which is essential for good quality sleep.

Keep electronic screens away from eyesight before sleeping

While most of us are accustomed to browsing Instagram or Twitter before bed, or catching up on some Netflix, it is highly recommended that you wind up with your eyes instead of a pause. Reading a book, or doing skincare or meditation are other ways you can reduce your screen time before bedtime. Shelby Harris, a behavioral sleep medicine specialist, told Vogue magazine, “Get half an hour to an hour of rest or encouragement of mindfulness.”

Invest in comfortable linens

You might consider investing in good quality sheets or linens, comforters, pillows, and everything you need to keep yourself comfortable. If you’re a couple sharing a bed together, consider buying two blankets instead of one.

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