Wanted in Maharashtra, drug case witness tried to surrender in UP but…

Kiran Gosavi is an “independent witness” on the drugs-on-cruise ship

New Delhi:

Narcotics Control Bureau’s “independent witness” in the cruise ship drugs case, Kiran Gosavi, against whom a lookout notice has been issued, today came out saying she wants to surrender before the Uttar Pradesh Police as she felt “threatened” in Maharashtra . But the expected drama ended in an anti-climax. An unverified audio clip circulated by sources close to Mr. Gosavi indicated that he was unnecessarily turned down by policemen at a local station in Lucknow.

The clip was of a phone call in which a man, purportedly Mr. Gosavi, can be heard asking if this is the Madian police post. After confirming, he said, “I want to come there. I am Kiran Gosavi. I want to surrender here”.

“Why have you come here?” The policeman replied.

“This is the nearest police station to me at the moment,” said Mr. Gosavi.

Once the policeman confirmed that he really wanted to surrender, he said, “No, you cannot surrender here. Try somewhere else”.

Earlier, the Lucknow Police Commissioner told NDTV that Mr Gosavi cannot surrender in the Uttar Pradesh capital, “as the Lucknow police station has no jurisdiction to take any action against him”.

NDTV has not been able to verify the authenticity of the clip. But its wide spread on social media saw the Madian police make elaborate preparations to prevent another possible surrender attempt by the wanted man in Maharashtra.

Several officers were seen waiting outside the building. The media had also become active.

In a telephonic conversation with NDTV earlier this evening, Mr. Gosavi had said that he wanted to surrender in Lucknow as he felt “threatened” in Mumbai.

A private investigator, Mr. Gosavi was present at the NCB office along with Aryan Khan during and after the cruise ship raid. Her selfies and videos with Aryan Khan at both the places indicated that she had unlimited access to Shah Rukh Khan’s son.

This sparked questions from Maharashtra’s ruling coalition about the probe by the anti-drugs agency. Several leaders questioned why an “independent witness” of the agency should raid and be present in its office and take selfies with the high-profile accused. Yesterday, a man claiming to be Mr. Gosavi’s personal bodyguard accused him of bribery.

Prabhakar Cell, who is another witness in the case, said he heard Mr. Gosavi having a telephonic conversation with Sam D’Souza about the payment.

Mr. SAIL claimed that he heard Mr. Gosavi saying that he should ask for a “bomb worth Rs 25 crore” and then settle on Rs 18 crore, of which Rs 8 crore went to the NCB’s officer-in-charge of investigation, Sameer Wankhede. Huh.

Mr. Gosavi told NDTV that he was not aware of this. “I am hearing this for the first time,” he said, adding that he had not met Mr Wankhede before October 2.


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