Waste disposal: Bulk generators asked to submit plans in 7 days. Gurgaon News – Times of India

Gurgaon: The mcg The city’s Bulk Waste Producers (BWGs) have been directed to submit their action plans for waste management in seven days. The city has 614 BWGs, of which 200 have signed an agreement with Ecogreen for their waste management. However, the rest do not have any waste management plan as of now, an official said.
As per the Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016, the BWG should have a plant to compost its wet waste, and the dry waste should be recycled. These instructions were given in a workshop organized by the civic body on Monday.
“Units that generate more than 50 kg of waste everyday are called bulk waste generators. They have to manage their own waste. In the meeting they were instructed to ensure that each of them have a composting plant premises, If they fail to follow the rules, we will fine them Rs 25,000 and their sewerage and water connections will be disconnected. Vijaypal YadavMCG Deputy Municipal Commissioner.
MCG officials said that BWGs, such as condominiums and societies, will have to rope in their RWAs to ensure that residents keep three dustbins to segregate waste and that garbage collection is also segregated. MCG will help in the training of operation and management of wet waste composting plant.
MCG Commissioner Mukesh Kumar Ahuja Recently directed the officials of the Sanitation Department to conduct an audit and ensure that all BWGs follow the norms. Officials said that recently notices were issued to all BWGs to comply with the rules, although during the workshop some said that they generate less than 50 kg of waste daily. Such BWGs were also asked to submit their report on the actual waste generated by them.