WATCH: Baby tries chocolate cupcakes for the first time; their response is too sweet to miss

Children are indeed a bundle of joy. No matter what they do, they can instantly put a smile on our faces and lift our spirits even on a dull day. And if you are a parent, you know how important it is to capture these special moments of your child. It could be his first few words or the first steps he took. Recording such milestones creates memories of a lifetime. Recently, we came across a video in which a child can be seen celebrating his first birthday with chocolate cupcakes. He tried the cupcakes for the first time and his reaction is too sweet to remember.

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This video has been shared by @elle_limeear on Instagram. In the clip, we can see a father making chocolate cupcakes for his child to celebrate his first birthday. At first he was a little hesitant to eat it. Then he takes a small piece of it and an instant smile comes on his face. The video was uploaded by the child’s mother. “Our macabre is one! What better way to start your 366th day than with a cake!” Read the caption of the post. Watch full video here:

Ever since the video was uploaded, it has garnered 47.2K views, 3.6K likes and many comments. Not many could get over the cute reaction of this kid and even wished him a very happy birthday. Take a look at some of the comments below:

“I can’t accept that this is an actual video because it’s absolutely adorable.”

“Oh precious. Happy birthday dear boy. That’s so pure.”

“Why is that the cutest thing ever?”

“Why are you so cute though, Maccabee! Happy first birthday to you.”

“Oh, that’s just gonna bring you Joy!”

What did you think about this video? Let us know in the comments below!